Assisting People in solving financial problems to build wealth

You’re not poor, only broke!

3 Phases For Building Wealth


  • Disability income insurance is a type of insurance designed to help replace a major portion of your income if you cannot work because of an illness or injury. For this reason, many people think of it as "paycheck protection." Along with life insurance, disability insurance can offer the protection you need to ensure your family doesn't lose their home or other valuable assets if the unthinkable happens.

  • Critical illness insurance is a policy paying out a benefit as a lump sum if you are diagnosed with a critical illness or condition specified in the policy. This can relieve or lessen the financial strain that can come with critical illnesses, so you can focus on getting better. Long Term Care is a policy to help with costs associated with nursing homes, assisted living, or home health care needs.

  • Type of life insurance providing for a certain period of time or a specified “term” of years. If the insure dies during the time period specified in a term policy and the policy is active, the death benefit will be paid. Duration is usually 10, 20, or30 years.

  • Is a type of insurance providing permanent coverage, but comes with substantially higher monthly premiums.. However, it has cash value that accumulates over time, and the policy holder can make withdrawals or tax-free loans for any purpose. I do not recommend this type of insurance.


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